E-Waste Blog

What Is an R2 Certification?

The R2 certification requires that an organization must meet in order to handle electronic waste responsibly. These standards require certified companies to have a policy on managing used and end-of-life electronic equipment, components and materials based on strategies such as reuse, materials and energy recovery and/or disposal. In order for an electronic recycler to become

What Is an R2 Certification?

Facts About Data Security and E-Waste

E-waste, also called electronic waste, is the name for electronic products that have come towards the end of their รขโ‚ฌล“useful life.รขโ‚ฌย This can include computers, monitors, television, stereos, copiers, printers, fax machines, office machinery, cell phones, DVD players, cameras, batteries and many more electronic machinery. E-waste can be a major issue in terms of data

Facts About Data Security and E-Waste

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