6 Reasons Lead Sheet is Used for Radiation Shielding in Healthcare

Lead sheeting is used across industries for many reasons including soundproofing, corrosion protection and medical equipment. Notably, lead sheeting is used to protect people from harmful radiation in x-rays, PET and CT scans and much more. It can also be built into walls, doors and frames to protect medical personnel from gamma rays.

Here are six reasons why lead sheeting is used for radiation shielding in healthcare

1. Highly Effective: Lead is incredibly effective to protect us from radiation in medical testing and procedures. Thicker lead sheeting is used for procedures with higher doses of radiation like CT scans and angiograms

2. The Right Properties: The properties of lead sheet make it an excellent shielding material due to its density, high atomic number (82), high level of stability, ease of fabrication, high degree of flexibility in application and its availability.

3. Cost: Lead is easily available and is generally the most cost-effective radiation shielding material, protecting against the effects of gamma rays and x-rays.

4. Easy to Get: Lead sheet is manufactured from pure lead, which is a readily available element and thus is also cost effective.

5. Easy to Use: Lead Sheets can be easily manipulated with standard hand tools without the risk of compromising the material.

6. Resistant to corrosion – Lead sheet is a hardy material that is resistant to corrosion from the atmosphere, salt water and most industrial chemicals.

More about Lead Sheet

Lead sheet comes in a variety of sizes and thicknesses.  The standard sizes used for healthcare include: 

  • 4′ x 7′ x 1/32″
  •  4′ x 7′ x 1/16″
  • 4′ x 7′ x 1/8″

Custom orders of lead sheet starting at 1/16″ in thickness, 10′ in length and up to 51″ in width.  Antimonial lead sheet, lead pipe, and lead strip for building, waterproofing and flashing applications also available.  .

In the healthcare field, lead sheeting is the most effective material for preventing radiation exposure from harmful gamma rays and x-rays. Not only are its properties well suited to shield radiation, lead sheeting is inexpensive, easy to find, easy to use and it does not erode. 

No matter the type of medical provider including hospitals, clinics, doctor’s offices, dental offices,  Chiropractors, and even Veterinarians, lead sheet will meet your radiation shielding needs to protect your patients.

 Mayer Alloys Corporation brings together the resources to meet your manufacturing, assembly and supply chain needs. Mayer specializes in tin and lead alloys, including solder, lead-free solders, lead sheeting and more.  Request a quote on the link below or contact us now for more information and pricing on our lead sheet products at (844) 564-6087 or via email at sales@mayeralloys.com.

Mayer Alloys Corporation also offers mil-spec and commercial packaging services, warehousing and distribution services and scrap metal recycling services. To learn more Contact us at (844) 564-6087 or via email sales@mayeralloys.com

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