
6 Reasons to Celebrate Hospitals Going Green this Earth Day

Healthcare facilities are major sources of pollution. On a daily basis, hospitals in the United States create almost 7,000 tons of solid waste. Single-use gloves, plastic wrapping around tools, syringes and other plastic products are used for a few moments, then thrown in the garbage. Hazardous solid waste also includes electronic devices and accessories that

6 Reasons to Celebrate Hospitals Going Green this Earth Day Read More ยป

5 Shocking Environmental Effects of E-Waste

E-Waste, also called electronic waste, is the name for electronic products that have come towards the end of their รขโ‚ฌล“useful life.รขโ‚ฌย This can include computers, monitors, televisions, stereos, copiers, printers, fax machines, cellphones, dvd player, cameras, batteries, and many more electronic devices. Used electronic devices can be reused, resold, salvaged, recycled or disposed. E-waste has

5 Shocking Environmental Effects of E-Waste

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